Opening Day, Parade & Race
April 27, 2025

Conditions permitting, we’ll parade from the club out past Fay Bainbridge Park then there will be an optional, pursuit style race run on Kwindoo starting off Point Monroe. Several of the famous PMYC prams will be on hand and there will be prizes for the most festive boats and crew. Big Boats and Dinghies welcome.
Dock call for the parade and discussion of race rules at 12pm. Departing PMYC at 12:30pm. Race begins at 1:30pm. Potluck BBQ afterwards at the Club starting at 4:00pm.
The pursuit start times based on boat rating can be found by clicking here:
Your Potluck Dish - Last Names Starting With:
- A-H: App or side dish
- I-P: Main Dish or something to grill
- Q-Z: Dessert
Soft drinks provided, BYOB
The Opening Day race course and times are set! We will race from a virtual start line near Fay Bainbridge to the Jeff Head mark #3, then to #5 mark near Bloedel, then finish near HC entrance speed limit buoy. Distance about 5 miles. Pursuit format. The course is in Kwindoo (click on "track", "event", "2023 Opening Day", both 2023 & 2024 courses appear, choose 2024).
Start times by handicap are accessible on PMYC website, under a link on the Opening Day page. First boat starts 130pm (#300) and faster boats after that... If you don't have a handicap number, we will sort it out at the skippers meeting at noon at PMYC!
If winds are 12 knots or less.... As incentive to "dress ship" races who carry a masthead-to-deck streamer of display flags throughout the race will be granted a 3 minute improvement to their start time.