Fal Joslin Race / Cruise
UPDATE: June 6, 2019
The May 30th Fal Joslin race was been moved to this weekend, Saturday June 6.
Sailing instructions can be found here: Fal Joslin Race Instructions 2020.pdf
Current race registrations as of June 5th can be found here: Fal Joslin 2020 Race Registrations.pdf
Online registration is closed. You can register by emailing Ty Abrams.

Port Madison Yacht Club is extremely pleased to announce that the Fal Joslin Race and Cruise is officially a go as a one-day event this Saturday, June 6th! We are making some changes to enhance the safety of the participants as we all continue to do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Here is the plan:
- The morning of Saturday, June 6th, the race will be a “rabbit start” off Point Monroe, with each boat assigned its own start time according to handicap (“slower” boats going first). This format will help:
- Minimizes traffic on the PMYC docks pre-race,
- Eliminate the need for a crewed race committee, and
- Help ensure that we finish relatively close together.
- Crew members must be immediate family or those with whom you are co-habitating during this coronovirus isolation.
- Due to social distancing requirements, PMYC will not be hosting a shoreside potluck or group moorage at the Port Ludlow marina. We encourage any participants who choose to stay over in Port Ludlow after the race to anchor out (Langley Gace and Larry Witty will be helping to co-ordinate informally).
- Remember to bring a dinghy if you need shore access. To maintain social distancing, please commit to not stepping onto others participants' boats.
- Those who can please download the Kwindoo tracking app, https://www.kwindoo.com/. This works on both IOS and Android devices and will enable us to “replay” the race digitally. It just needs to be running on your phone throughout the race.
We are thrilled to formally kick off the PMYC big boat racing and cruising seasons and hope that you are able to join us. If you have any questions, please call or email Ty Abrams (Big Boat Chair) or Langley Gace (Cruising Committee).