Fal Joslin 2019 
IMPORTANT: Reserve Your Slip By May 25th.
What: It’s that time again - the FAL JOSLIN. It’s a Race or a Cruise and of course a great BBQ.
When: June 1st and 2nd, 2019
Where : As tradition dictates, PMYC will host a social and potluck barbecue at Port Ludlow Marina
- 1830 for Social Hour (BYOB)
- 1900 for Potluck Supper
Bring: Something to barbecue, plates, silverware, etc.
Potluck bring list:
- A-K) Veggie or Salad
- K-S) Dessert
- T-Z) Hors d'oeuvres or Side Dish
There is no need to bring charcoal as the marina has gas grills.
Race instructions: Fal Joslin Race Instructions 2019.pdf
Important: A reservation for a block of slips has been made with the Marina. However space is limited! You must confirm your own reservation with the Marina to ensure a slip.
The deadline is May 25th.
The Marina will hold 12 spaces up to May 25th. Please call Port Ludlow Marina at 360-437-0513. Make sure you mention you are with PMYC.
For additional information contact Langley Gace.
Members, if you have questions or would like to discuss the race, send an email to the PMYC Big Boat Google Group.

Depending on your perspective, this is either a race or a cruise. The first day starts at Point Monroe (aka the sandspit in Port Madison), and we sail to the finish at Port Ludlow. A party and BBQ ensue Saturday evening, usually at the big fire pit. Sunday, we start in outer Port Ludlow and sail back to Port Madison. Courses can be altered by the committee boat. Lots of good fun and sailing.
It's a Race, It's a Cruise, It's a Race to the Barbecues"