Port Madison Yacht Club

Round the Island Gunkhole

  • 09/03/2016
  • 09/05/2016
  • Bainbridge Island

Ahoy all Cruisers!  

It is not too early to mark your calendars for one of PMYC's most popular cruises next weekend, September 3 - 5, 2016.  It is close to home, but a world away, and with all the traffic on the roads, you get to enjoy a leisurely cruise with friends.  We will plan to make Blakely Harbor our first anchorage, on Saturday evening, and then proceed as tides permit,through Rich Passage and on around to the outer portion of the harbor in Manzanita Bay.  Often we have a breathtaking sunset for our happy hour.   Monday we will make our way under Agate Pass bridge, and home again.  Plan to bring something to share for our gathering on Saturday night, and if history is a guide, we will enjoy some shore side hiking on Sunday morning.  So, plan to slip your moorings and join our little fleet, as we circumnavigate our island home.  

Your Cruise Admiral, Kim


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