Port Madison Yacht Club |
Big Boat Racing
The Commodore's Challenge Race
The 2024 Commodore’s Challenge is a 1 kilometer speed run supported by your GPS data. Measure speed over the ground. Fastest speed wins. Do it anywhere on Puget Sound. Do it during another race if you want. Make as many runs as you like. Multiple runs are encouraged if you get a really nice windy day. Two divisions: open and corrected with your PHRF handicap. Any wind powered contraption is eligible for the open division. Current PHRF rating is required for the handicap division. Stay away from commercial traffic.
The sailing instructions are available here: PMYC Commodore's Challenge Sailing Instructions.
PMYC has a full and varied racing season each year for big boats. To find out when races are scheduled this year, view the Big Boat Racing Calendar. Below is the list of races that are scheduled for this year (check racing calendar for date changes):
Racing Calendar & Results
To find out when races are scheduled, view the Big Boat Racing Calendar. Each event's page includes the NOR, sailing instructions, online and mail-in entry forms and other information about the races when the information becomes available.
To view the past racing results, view the Big Boat Racing Results.
Racing Rules and ScoringThe current racing rules and scoring are available in the PMYC yearbook. Click Here to download the big boat racing rules from the yearbook.
For more information on PMYC races, please email the race chair at racing@portmadisonyc.org.