Port Madison Yacht Club

2024 Opti Beginner - Sailing School - Age 8-13

  • 06/24/2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • 07/03/2024
  • 3:00 PM
  • PMYC
  • 0


  • Choose this option if you are a member and will provide your own boat. Boat rental billed separately after boats have been assigned.

Registration is closed

PMYC Sailing School

Opti Beginner – Ages 8-13 / Maximum Weight 115 lbs.

An introductory program that teaches the basics of sailing in a fun and safe environment. Using interactive lessons, sailing-themed games, and plenty of on-water time, sailors in this program will learn: the parts of the boat, proper rigging, points of sail and safe boat handling. Beginner sailors will become confident sailing around hidden cove while working the mainsheet and tiller.

Need a boat? Don’t panic!

Select "Rental Boat Needed" as you fill out the registration form. We will help find a rental or boat to borrow and then bill you appropriately.

Mark your calendar:

Mandatory Parent/Guardian Meeting May 14th, 6:50pm at Seabold Hall!

If you have any questions contact  sailingschoolregistration@portmadisonyc.org


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