Port Madison Yacht Club

Round The Island Gunkhole Cruise

  • 08/31/2019
  • 09/02/2019
  • Bainbridge Island

Around The Island Gunkhole Cruise

Labor Day Weekend - August 31 - Sept. 2

Over the Labor Day weekend the PMYC sailors will make their way slowly around our island home. This is one of the most popular cruises of the year, being very close to home and a chance for our friends from PMYC to get together and share the stories of their summer sailing adventures.

We gather for the evening and overnight in Blakely Harbor on Saturday.  If all goes well, our largest boats anchor down in a spot in the harbor with a good view of the Seattle Skyline at night.  The rest of us filter in during the afternoon, and if the mid-sized boats show up next and finally a little later the smaller boats arrive, we end up with just the right raft. 

On Sunday there is a chance to go ashore and hike to Fort Ward or just to explore the inner lagoon.  We leave Blakely Harbor in time to make the big flood through Rich Passage, which peaks at 3pm. 

Our goal for the night is Manzanita Bay, where we anchor at the north end of the harbor to take full advantage of the beautiful sunsets over the Olympics and the lingering sun.  We tend to share meals and snacks and drinks and just enjoy the company. 

Monday we come home, with a maximum ebb through Agate Pass at 10:30am. Hope you can join us.

Your Cruise Admiral, Kim


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