Port Madison Yacht Club
Round The Island Gunkhole Cruise
It’s time for the Round Island Gunkhole cruise. September 1-3 Labor day weekend.
Yes, a 3 day / 2 night circumnavigation of the Island filled with glistening beaches, Tiki huts, umbrella drinks, jet skis and buried treasure. OK, the 3 day / 2 nights is true, but scrap the rest. It is a perennial favorite for Pacific North West Cruisers.
We will slowly gather in Blakley Harbor on the Saturday afternoon, rafting boats, sharing food, laughs, wet dogs, and drinks. Sunday morning delivers a beachhead landing and leisurely walk over the ridge to Ft. Ward. Because of the tides, we would need to be out of the harbor by 11:00 am to catch the Rich Passage Slack Tide at Noon. Sunday night has us at anchor at the mouth of Manzanita Bay to watch the sunset over the Olympics with more laughter, food, drink, wet dogs and children. The Monday tides through Agate pass will force us to sleep in and enjoy a third cup of coffee. Slack tide is not until 12:45 pm. Labor Day gardening is overrated.
If you have questions, send them to pmyc-cruising@gmailgroups.com (click here for more information on joining the PMYC Cruising Google Group mailing list) or contact Langley Gace.
If you are not a member and are interested in joining the cruise, send an email to PMYCinfo@portmadisonyc.org.
Hope you can join us by sea or by land,